Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Cheaper by the 1/2 Dozen

It's official!  Sometime in May we're expecting another little Rough Rider on our homestead!  For those who are keeping count, that'll be a 1/2 dozen young'uns running around our little 900+ square foot home.

I know not everyone will have large families like us.  I wouldn't expect that.  God blesses as He chooses.  Some He blesses with children.  Others get blessed in other ways.  He calls each family to a certain role.  For us, we've been called to raise a large family.  How large?  Your guess is as good as mine.

It's been interesting to hear some of the conversations, and see the reactions, to a family our size.  When we had three, people were amazed at our "large" family.  When we had four, they gasped in shock and awe.  When we had five, some were disgusted.  With six on the way, I can assure you of some of the things we'll hear.

You'd better have a good job to support all these kids.

You can't give enough love to each child when there are so many.

The older children do nothing but act as small parents their whole lives.

I sure am glad it's not me.

Don't you know what causes that?

There are, of course, many more.  I'm sure a few came to your head.  You can't help it.  The stereotypes are handed to us in so many ways and most of them are subtle.  When was the last time you heard a song where the singer referenced more than two children (occasionally three)?  When was the last time you watched a serious drama that had more than a boy and girl?  Ever look at a tax form?  There will be four lines for your dependents.

If you have less than three children, or none at all, I will not look down on you or question your reasons.  You are to fulfill God's calling on your life whatever that may be.  But why is it that everyone assumes you should have a small family?  I think there are many reasons that play into that assumption.

As for my family, the bottom line is this: This is what we've been called to do and this we will do.

But, just for kicks, let's address this perceived problem.  What if it is somehow wrong that I have such a big family.  What do I do now?  Which one do I get rid of?

They're all so unique, and, in their own way, so integral to the family unit. I have to ask myself some questions.  Questions like how do you function without your first born who nurses his mother, of his own free will, when she's struggling with "morning sickness"?  He brings her food and drink, books, and anything else she may want.  And who will handle all the detailed chores that no one likes if the second born isn't here?  He can fold the laundry just as good as his mother and he comes up with creative solutions to problems.  But the third born, he likes the rough and tumble tasks that challenge him physically.  He likes to run in and give his mother hugs and kisses and let her know she'll be okay and then run out again once he's sure of her love.  Then what of the fourth born and only daughter?  Who will add that softness that only a daughter can possess?  And where would we be without the fifth, the 2 year old, who is ready with a smile all day long.

It's no easy thing.  Having all these people in one house brings its own set of challenges.  But its funny...I can't think of a single one I'd get rid of.


  1. Yep, that is an amazing bunch you have there! We are so excited for you all! And yes, this made me cry...what beautiful blessings you have, each one playing such a special role...a very needed one.

  2. Thanks Cassie. I'm glad you could relate (with your large brood:). You know, I hope it doesn't come across as everything being all roses and happy. Some days you wonder if you really are insane. But at the end of the day, with everyone tucked in bed, you reflect on how wonderful life is. It makes all the craziness worth it. I'm sure you understand to one degree or other!
