We finally finished raising and processing all 213 chickens. What a summer!
I was standing in the field last Saturday in the early morning hours. My sons and I were preparing for the day. The sun was just coming up and the chill of the night was still in the air. I thought about the people who were coming out to help.
I thought about how they always come out to help.
I was tired and ready to be done with chicken processing days. They are long, messy, and tiring. I thought about the helpers. How tired of chicken processing days must they be? They show up on the days they are able. They work hard and without complaint. When they are finished they are rewarded with little to nothing.
And still they come. Why?
They come because of the love they have in their hearts. For me and my family, yes, but more importantly because they love God and His people. That's what Biblical community is all about. It's about sacrificing your time and resource for your brother or sister...even if they are crazy enough to process chickens.
At that moment, I was overwhelmed with gratitude. Maybe overwhelmed is not the right word. Maybe humbled is better. Yes, I think that says it better. Humbled because I realized anew that I didn't deserve friends like these. I didn't deserve the blessing of living in the family of God. Yet I was blessed. I am blessed. How could life get any better?
Thank you to all who are supporting this little enterprise. I appreciate the encouragement and enthusiasm you give toward the service we are providing. It's been exciting watching as people's faces light up when they realize what we're doing. Whether you are supporting clean and healthy meat, a local business, a strange new business venture, or all of the above, we thank you. I'll still be posting updates on our Turkey experiment so stay tuned. I have a feeling that Turkey processing day will be an adventure!