Sunday, March 20, 2011


I was standing on a dock off of Lake Eerie watching the Super Perigee Moon rise in the East. The wind was strong tonight. It's always strongest near the lake, but tonight it was unusually strong. And it was cold. Though I was wrapped in my thickest coat, it still tore through me like I was a straw man. I looked away from the moon into the darkness of a small island off the coast. With the wind and cold and dark, it appeared a very hard and desolate place.  I loved it.

Something in that desolation calls. It cries out to be conquered. It whispers to me that we too are a dark and desolate people. Yet Someone calls to us. Someone longs to conquer that stark wilderness of our soul; to bring life to an otherwise lifeless island.

I was pleased to see so many people out to watch the moon. No matter how advanced we get in our “civilized” world, we cannot run from the fact that God's nature is so powerful, so riveting.  We cannot pull ourselves away. Just as the dark island calls to me, so we are called by God through His nature. And as He calls we cannot help but see that He is there...even if we don't choose to respond.