Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mystery Meat


Have you read the article about the tests recently done on Taco Bell's "Taco Meat Filling" (I previously referred to it as beef)?  They reveal that only 36% of the mixture is actually beef.  This is frightening...and disgusting.

But here is the worst part.

Legally, it must contain 40% beef to be called Taco Meat Filling.

So before we bash Taco Bell for their atrocities against mankind, let's remember that they are only about 4% off the mark.  The disturbing thing in this story is that, simply put, we only expect that our "beef" should contain 40% actual beef.  What is wrong with us that we accept that? 

I have talked to some who say that, hey, it has food products in it and therefore it's not a big deal. And it tastes good (okay...can't deny that).  So why do I care if it's only 36% beef? 

Learn to care, my friends.  Today's it's oats, soy, yeast, corn starch, and preservatives. What will it be tomorrow?  If we never ask, we'll never know.  And if we don't demand better for ourselves and for our children by voting with our food dollars, then we secure for our children a future where real food is the privilege of the few.

Soylent Green anyone?

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