I’ve been in a bit of a hygienic quandary of late. This happens to me from time to time. I seem to be restless of mind. The result is a constant need to try to
improve something in my life. That’s
largely why I don’t put together a list of New Year’s resolutions. I’m resolving something all year long. This latest quandary is in regards to
sweating and the use of antiperspirant.
Some of you may ask why, exactly, would I blog on this subject. The answer if very simple.
My wife told me to.
As I discussed this quandary with her she indicated that the
followers at The Simple Life might also share the same or similar
quandaries. And so it is with that
encouragement I write about an odorous topic (you may want to stop now…the humor will not get any better).
I am what is known in the police forensics field as a secreter. This means I sweat heavily. It has been the bane of my very existence
since I was about 12 years old. Try
being in Junior High and sweating more than most grown men working in a foundry. I’ve tried most of the deodorant/antiperspirant
products in the store. For me, it’s
Mitchum Gel all the way. It’s long
lasting and does a great job. I’ve used
it my entire adult life. Thus begins the
My wife and I have been working for years to rid our lives
of chemicals and preservatives. While I
believe that the total elimination of these things from a normal American
person’s life is impossible, we can pick our battles and we can minimize the
use of these things in our lives. It is
down this vein my mind tends to wander during my morning routine. The dark green of the Mitchum container
glares at me like a beacon reminding me that it is full of chemicals purported
to be harmful to me…and I use it every day.
Now, it’s not like I haven’t tried. I’ve tried several natural products to
control sweating and odor. Some work
better than others. Most tend to leave
me smelling like a wet dog at the end of the day. Still, I’m committed to finding something
that will work. I’ve read in several
forums that many men who have asked themselves the same questions settle upon
Old Spice deodorant . It seems that Old Spice has less chemicals
than most. I’m going to have to check
that out. There are also recipes that
you can use to make your own. You can
find some of those recipes here,
here ,
and here .
You may ask (because you are an inquisitive sort today) why
I would worry about this anyway? I think
it’s part of the simple life. We take it
for granted that what we find on the shelf at the store is the best product and
it’s safe. Yet history tells us that
what a company pushes on us is probably what is best for the company. There is also a certain allure to doing it
yourself. Who knew that you could make
your own deodorant? We assume that
people of a bygone era simply accepted sweaty, smelly men. While that may be true, many early writings
are preoccupied with a man who at least cleans himself up once a week. For me, it’s important. I work in an office. A man who works in an office is not expected
to sweat. It’s also considered in poor
taste to stink within the close confines of a meeting room. So, since I have no excuse to sweat or stink,
I’ll have to figure out what works. I’ll
keep you posted on my experimental findings.
Or you could just drop by the office…they’ll be able to tell you exactly
how it’s going.
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