Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring Newsletter 2012

I’d like to thank you for all your support and assistance in last year’s business.  We had several new challenges last year including extreme heat.  Although we lost many birds to that heat, God blessed us and we still managed to get the orders out.  We also had so many friends and customers come out to help us in various ways.  I think that’s my favorite part.  I love watching people come out, join together, and accomplish something so ancient, so visceral, all the while becoming a closer knit community.  That’s really what this is all about.

That said, we will not be fulfilling any orders this year.  I’m sorry to say that we are going to need to take a year off.  As many of you know, my family is in the process of moving.  We had anticipated being in a new house by now, but God had different plans.  As it stands right now we have sold our house with an anticipated closing date of early April.  We are temporarily living with my generous in-laws while we pack and look for another place.  To compound the complexities our new son was born on March 24th.  Also, our good friends, the Owen family, have been letting us use their farm.  That family is very busy.  The two youngest sons (who were vital in the day to day operation) are both working full-time jobs and going to school.  Keith, the patriarch of the farm, is also very busy with work and ministry.  So, as I look across the landscape of the 2012 chicken season it appears to me that God simply has a different plan for us. 

While I am disappointed, I am glad to simply sit back and watch.  You may recognize that this is a very poor business decision.  However, the main goal of Legacy Family Farm has never been “business”.  The main goal is to leave a legacy of Biblical community through agriculture.  We’ve been doing that.  If the Lord wills, we will do it again.  When that time comes, it is our sincere hope that you can be a part of it.  Thanks for your support and your understanding.  We’d love to keep in touch with you.  I’ll continue posting on our Facebook page from time to time.  Let us know about your experiences this year exploring other clean meat producing farms, patronizing farmer’s markets, and entering into community with other believers.  We’d love to hear about it!

Feel free to contact us.
(734) 931-0890

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Experimental Update

As you know, I’ve been pondering the use of antiperspirants and deodorants lately and so I have conducted the first experiment.  I can summarize the results for you.

Epic fail.

It could have been worse.   But not much.

I used a product called CRYSTAL Body Deodorant.  It is advertised as a natural deodorant stick.  So to be clear it is not an antiperspirant.  This became quite clear in the 2:00 p.m. meeting I was leading when sweat had saturated my shirt to about the mid-point between my under arms and my waist.  I was saved in that the meeting was a small so it was not necessary for me to stand in the front of the room and point at anything.  That would have fallen into the “worse” category I mentioned above.  But since it wasn’t advertised as an antiperspirant the fact that I sweat like a race horse on game day does not constitute an epic fail.  It was, you guessed it, the odor.  It was better than if I simply hadn’t used anything at all.  For that I am grateful.  Still, no one accused me of bathing in rose petals.

And so I went back to my old master, Mitchum.  I’ll try another product soon.  When I get up the nerve.  I’ll keep you posted. 

Update – I found that the stick is made entirely of alum and is good as an aftershave treatment.  More about that in a future post.