When you buy chick feed at the local mill, what you'll find is that in almost every case, the pre-packaged feed will contain anti-biotics. I'm sure there are some places that stock anti-biotic free feed, but I suspect they are few. Of course you can order it on-line, but the shipping fees are expensive. It's a shame, really, because not only does ordering on-line become cost prohibitive, it pulls business away from the local farmers and mills. In our case, we use the Ida Farmer's Co-op in Ida, MI. While they don't stock pre-packaged anti-biotic free chick feed, they will grind feed to your specifications on the spot. It's a great blessing to be near a mill that will custom grind rations for you. There are other mills in the area, but chick feed is not a hot commodity in our area so they don't grind it. They just buy it wholesale from Purina and sell it.
According to the article the FDA has stated that "Giving animals antibiotics in order to increase food production is a threat to public health and should be stopped". The common wisdom is that anti-biotics not only fight off infection, but also increase weight gain. In many farming operations, that's the name of the game. The FDA's Deputy Commissioner also said that "Such use encourages the growth of drug-resistant bacteria that can cause hard-to-treat human disease".
We've all known for years that increased use of anti-biotics promotes resistant strains for bacteria. For years we've been told that at least two weeks before slaughter you should stop giving the animals anti-biotics. We don't really discuss why...but I think we all know.
Our birds are given no anti-biotics. Instead we mix Fertrell Nutri-balancer in with the feed. It contains, among other things, kelp (a natural immune booster), vitamins A, D, and E, and a pro-biotic. This sort of customized ration we've put together is more expensive, but we are trying to boost the natural health of the poultry BEFORE we have an issue.
Would we ever use anti-biotics? If there was an epidemic present in the flock, we would likely need to. I'd let you know if we had to do that. But that would be an emergency situation. What is amazing is how God has granted His creation the ability to fight off disease. We just have to make sure that system has the tools to work properly.
So you can rest assured; your birds are strong and healthy. And, they're anti-biotic free!