Tuesday, October 5, 2010

For the Love of Potatoes

Potatoes.  I love them.

Fried, baked, smashed, boiled.

Buttered, smothered, salted.

We actually planted them this year.  What a great thing.  You put them in the ground.  They grow.  I eat.  Ahhh....

It doesn't get simpler.

Oh it's hard work as many of you know.  Growing your own food is not for the sloth.  But how rewarding to harvest the fruit of your labor and enjoy.  It's a gift from God really.  He created in six days and rested the seventh.  He sat back and enjoyed the fruit of His labor.  Is it any wonder that the very same activities are so pleasing to His children?

A friend and I dug up some of the harvest, digging our hands deep into the soil.  The smell climbs into your nostrils and begins to quicken the pace.  It reminds you that your are engaging in the oldest of man's activities.  You are taking dominion over the earth.  Your actions, your care and patience, make a difference.  You are doing what you are created to do.

So eat, drink, and enjoy the work God has given you.  And fry up some potatoes while you're at it.   


  1. Glad to have discovered your blog via the linked in farm entrepreneur group. After spending this year as a farm intern, I'm making the leap together with my husband from white collar to green thumb as a farmer early next year. Will definitely be reading through all your posts to see more of what life will hold for me! We like a lot of the same blogs, too, it appears. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I'm glad you could relate, Diana. However, I'm still in my white collar job. Let me know how the green thumb gig goes. That's my dream!
